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Police Blotter 9/13-9/22: Naughty Neighbors on Nevins; The Measuring Spoon Was Safely Discarded

Writer: This Is RutherfordThis Is Rutherford

Monthly RPD Reports can be found here. New: August Activity Report

This is Rutherford publishes incidents that the public may find interesting or informative. The Blotter represents a small fraction of the total calls the RDP responds to regularly. The following information was provided to TIR by the Rutherford Police. All suspects are presumed innocent unless proven guilty. Incidents involving juveniles will not be published.


Sunday, September 22 - Suspicious Person, Park Ave

At approximately 3:42 am a 71 year caller reported a male sleeping inside his vehicle on the property of Park Sunoco. Officers responded and the man fell asleep while waiting for the gas station to open.

Sunday, September 22 - Dispute, Ames Ave

At approximately 12:24 am a caller reported a dispute between two males. RPD responded and identified two co-workers, a 41 year old male and 58 year old male disputing over work. One alleged that the other man grabbed him by the neck with 2 hands. He did not sign any complaints but was advised he has a year to do so. No medical attention was requested.

Friday, September 20 - Suspicious Incident, The Terrace

At approximately 12:32 am a caller reported someone looking in the back of a 2002 GMC pickup truck in front of his house. RPD responded and identified 34 year old man from Nutley who stated he was working on a friend’s car as a favor. RPD confirmed the story with the car’s registered owner. The man said he would stop working on the car.

Thursday, September 19 - Suspicious Vehicle, Springfield Ave

A 73 year old female notified RPD of a red van with tinted windows traveling on Francisco Ave and observed it turn onto Springfield Ave. It worried her because of an Amber Alert for a 5 year old female earlier in the week. Officers in the area reported the vehicle gone upon arrival, but noted that a vehicle fitting the description is owned by a person in the neighborhood.

Wednesday, September 18 - Suspicious Incident, Union Ave

At approximately 4:38 pm a 12 year old male found what was believed to be white powdery substance. He notified a 34 year old female who in turn notified the RPD. RPD responded and believed the substance to be laundry detergent. No further action was required.

Wednesday, September 18 - Suspicious Incident, Mountain Way

At approximately 12:10 pm a 56 year old female reported a suspicious incident. She believed an unknown party may have entered her basement. RPD responded and reported that the observed broken glass to the residence’s rear door was not criminal and instead appeared to have been broken by a rock, perhaps kicked up from a lawnmower.

Wednesday, September 18 - Burglary, Mountain Way

A Mountain Way resident reported his 2010 Chevy pick up had been entered between 5:00 pm on September 16th and approximately 10:00 am on September 18th. He noticed his car ransacked and items strewn about in front seats. The keys he left inside the car were missing but many items in the car, including expensive items, were untouched. He walked east on Garfield Place looking for his keys when he located a small white jewelry box, bracelet, cross and necklace on the grass line on the north side of Mountain Way. While speaking to detectives, a neighbor arrived and advised RPD his son-in-law’s vehicle was also burglarized at approximately 1:00 am on September 19th while parked on the south side of Garfield Place, 3 houses east of Mountain Way. When asked if the items that had been located belonged to son-in-law he said “yes”. The items were turned over to the appropriate family.

Wednesday, September 18 - Burglary, Sylvan Street

A Sylvan Street resident reported her 2014 Infinity had been burglarized between September 17th and 7:20 am on September 18th. She said the car was locked, but there was no damage to vehicle to indicate forced entry. She does have surveillance video which showed a party make entry via the driver’s side door. Missing was a bottle of $150 Chanel perfume and $50 in cash. Also parked on the property was a 2003 Honda belonging to the woman’s father. $7 in cash taken from his car sometime overnight as well. There was no damage to the vehicle which was believed to be unlocked. The contents of the glove compartment were removed and left on the passenger seat.

Tuesday, September 17 - Aid and Assist, Hawthorne Street

At approximately 2:32 pm a 33 year old female caller requested help gaining access to a bedroom in her home because her son had locked her 19 month old daughter in the bedroom. Officer Caughey responded and was able to unlock the door.

Tuesday, September 17 - Aid and Assist, Washington Ave

At approximately 11:44 am a Washington Ave resident advised RPD that her 15 year old son was locked out of their residence with their dog. Officer Steinel responded and assisted the youth back into the residence.

Tuesday, September 17 - Lewdness, Nevins Street

At approximately 10:10 am a 38 year old woman reported acts of lewdness on Nevins Street. She told the RPD that occupants of vehicles frequently have sex or an “afternoon delight” on Nevins between Elycroft Parkway and the service road. The caller has observed naked people and used condoms discarded in the area. She says the vehicles park there frequently and use the tall hedges for privacy.

Monday, September 16 - Verbal Dispute, Park Ave

At approximately 8:55 pm, a caller reported a possible verbal dispute in a residence on Park Ave. Officers responded and stated the residents inside the house were watching a comedy special on TV and may have been laughing very loudly. The complaint was unfounded.

Monday, September 16 - Suspicious Incident, Rutherford Ave

While arriving to work at approximately 8:00 am, a 32 year old female Rutherford Animal Hospital employee reported a man at the hospital appearing agitated or angry. He was described as a white male in his 50s and identified himself as Tom and arrived in a 2008 Hyundai Accent. He asked her a lot of questions about organ failure in a dog. She answered to the best of her abilities, but Tom became more and more angry and yelled about his brother stealing his pet beagle a day prior, which he claimed to have reported to the North Arlington Police. Before leaving, the man told her “You better pray your dog is not in a dog fighting ring.” The employee was unable to obtain a license plate description of the vehicle. The RPD took the report and contacted North Arlington PD who said nothing like this had been reported. Lyndhurst PD was also contacted and Lyndhurst reported a loose beagle had been found overnight around 1 am on Kingsland Ave. The beagle was turned over to animal control. All workers at the Animal Hospital have been made aware of the incident and will contact RPD immediately if the man returns.

Monday, September 16 - Suspicious Person, Prospect Place

At approximately 8:47 am a caller reported seeing a man swinging his cane in the air and acting in an odd manor near Prospect Place and Fairview Ave. Upon arrival RPD determined it to be a 71 year old man who was using his cane to clear low hanging branches obstructing the sidewalk. He was advised not to damage the borough trees and he stated he would comply.

Sunday, September 15 - Aid and Assist, Daniel Ave

A 46 year old female contacted RPD to report the key to her safe was missing and she was unable to get into the safe because the keypad was unusable due to dead batteries. The complainant believed her juvenile children may have taken the key. Officers responded and were informed that the caller had located the key.

Saturday, September 14 - Theft, Glen Road

A Big Bowls Little Plates employee reported they hired a 24 year old male from River Edge for a delivery person position. The man went out on a delivery and never returned to the restaurant, keeping the proceeds from his two final deliveries, totaling $87.51. A summons was signed and the man has a future court date.

Saturday, September 14 - Verbal Dispute, Williams Plaza

A 41 year old male Williams Center employee reported that a verbal dispute ensued after he refused to allow an individual from entering the theater with their own food. The individual, described as an Hispanic male, 5 foot 7 inches and accompanied by 2 small children yelled, “You suck at life” at the employee and made a comment indicating the employee was lucky that children were present. He then left.

Saturday, September 14 - DWI, Rt 3 East

At approximately 12:56 am Officer Beatini arrested a 45 year old male from Budd Lake after he was found driving his 2008 Honda Accord while drunk on Rt 3 East. In two separate tests the man registered a blood alcohol content of .17 and .18. He was charged with careless driving, DWI, having an open container of alcohol and delaying traffic.

Friday, September 13 - Noise Complaint, Hastings Ave

A 44 year old female reported her neighbor was singing too loudly and causing a noise disturbance. RPD contacted her 30 year old male neighbor and notified him of the noise ordinance. The man said he’d sing lower.

Friday, September 13 - Suspicious Incident, Jackson Ave

A 43 year old female reported someone entered her home without permission. She reported while speaking to her current landscaper, an unknown male walked up and stood on her front lawn. She spoke to him and stated he later tried to enter her residence. RPD made contact with the man over the phone who stated he knocked on the door twice and when she didn’t open the door, he only opened it to leave his business card as he used to do landscaping on that property

Friday, September 13 - Aid and Assist, Park Ave

At approximately 3:16 pm, a 76 year old female requested help getting out of her twisted seatbelt in her 2016 Nissan Sentra. Officer Alexandra Arnold was able to assist.

Friday, September 13 - Suspicious Incident, Kidspot

At approximately 2:03 pm, a 31 year old female reported a measuring spoon at Kidspot on the “window sill” of the play structure. Officers reported and noted nothing suspicious about it and discarded the measuring spoon.


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