Monthly RPD Reports can be found here. New: May Activity Report
This is Rutherford publishes incidents that the public may find interesting or informative. The Blotter represents a small fraction of the total calls the RDP responds to regularly. The following information was provided to TIR by the Rutherford Police. All suspects are presumed innocent unless proven guilty. Incidents involving juveniles will not be published.
Sunday, June 16th - DWI, Woodward Ave
At approximately 8:04 pm, a white 2004 Ford F150 drove off the roadway, struck a street sign, a small borough tree, parked motor vehicle and came to a stop after striking a retaining wall at a private residence on Woodward Ave. RPD responded to find a 28 year old male from Rutherford operating the vehicle to possibly be under the influence. Field sobriety conducted resulted in a BAC of 0.0%, but RPD a drug recognition expert, Officer Bachmann responded and completed an evaluation for drugs. The driver was not willing to provide a voluntary urine sample. He was charged with driving under the influence of intoxicating liquor and/or drugs and careless driving. He was also charged with possession of a hypodermic syringe. He was released to a responsible party under Johns Law. The syringe was stored for evidence.
Sunday, June 16th - Dispute, Orient Way
A 36 year old male reported being involved in a possible road rage incident from RT 17 South near Highland Cross. A male party in a black Ford Focus with South Carolina plates threw an unknown object at his 2015 Mercedes Benz. The object struck the door jamb on the passenger side causing light scratches. The Ford Focus was last seen on Orient Way heading towards Lyndhurst. Officers checked the area with negative results.
Saturday, June 15th - Burglary, Clark Ave
A 56 year old female reported her 2016 Mercedes Benz had been entered between 1:30 am on 6/15 and 12:00 pm on 6/15 while parked in the driveway. The caller had guests at the house until approximately 1:30 am. She noticed the contents of the center console had been strewn about the vehicle but didn’t think anything of it. When she inspected the vehicle again at 7:30 pm she realized a necklace was missing. She then drove the car for a day before reporting it, destroying all evidentiary value. **DO NOT TOUCH, MOVE, OR DRIVE YOUR VEHICLE IF YOU THINK YOU HAVE BEEN A VICTIM OF BURGLARY. CALL RPD IMMEDIATELY**
Saturday, June 15th - Criminal Mischief, Wilson Ave
Two tires of a 2018 Toyota Rav 4 gray were damaged overnight. The owner had parked his vehicle on the street in front of his residence around 8:00 pm. The damage was made to the vehicle’s front and rear passenger side tires between 8:00 pm on 6/14 and 2:30 am 6/15. It appears the tires were punctured with a small unknown object. Repairs will cost approximately $450.
Saturday, June 15th - Burglary, Clark Ave
A 40 year old male noticed that his 2016 Kia Soul, which was parked in his driveway with the doors unlocked, had been entered and his belongings strewn about the front seats. He then drove the car to RPD to report the burglary, which tampered with any evidentiary value. **DO NOT TOUCH, MOVE, OR DRIVE YOUR VEHICLE IF YOU THINK YOU HAVE BEEN A VICTIM OF BURGLARY. CALL RPD IMMEDIATELY**
Saturday, June 15th - Burglary, Union Ave
A 65 year old male reported his 2016 Ford Wagon and his 2014 Nissan Pathfinder were entered between 11:00 pm on 6/14 and 9:00 am on 6/15. His belongings were rummaged through. Both vehicles were parked in the driveway with doors unlocked. When he went to his vehicles in the morning he observed the Ford was missing $10 in change and 2 black portable phone chargers each worth $100. The Pathfinder was missing $5 in change. After noticing his missing belongings, he moved both vehicles to the street which tampered with any evidentiary value RPD could potentially gather. **DO NOT TOUCH, MOVE, OR DRIVE YOUR VEHICLE IF YOU THINK YOU HAVE BEEN A VICTIM OF BURGLARY. CALL RPD IMMEDIATELY**
Friday, June 14th - Noise Complaint, Maple Street
At approximately 10:43 pm, a caller reported a large party was taking place at 2 separate addresses on Maple Street. Officer Lindov confirmed the noise violation and spoke to both owners, a 45 year old male and a 20 year old male who would comply and quiet down.
Friday, June 14th - Noise Complaint, East Pierrepont Ave
At approximately 5:04 pm, a caller reported a local musician was practicing in his residence too loudly. RPD spoke to the homeowner about excessively loud music being played and he stated it would be turned down.
Friday, June 14th - Fraud, Meadow Road
A 53 year old female Saddle River resident reported 4 checks from her Rutherford business had been fraudulently cashed for $7,602.77 total. She contacted Bank of America’s claims department. All 4 check numbers coincided with her business checkbook and were not part of payroll. They were made out to 4 separate individuals between 6/11 and 6/12. She stated she does not have any customers or employees with those names. She stated 2 of the checks had her exact signature but were not authorized by her or her husband. 3 had cleared and 1 was pending when she spoke to Bank of America .
Thursday, June 13th - Noise Complaint, Lincoln Ave
At approximately 9:54 pm a 46 year old female resident reported that neighbors having a large, loud party. Officers spoke to the accused, a 19 year old male neighbor, who said he’d keep it down.
Thursday, June 13th - Dispute, Riverside Ave
A caller reported a male party screaming in a driveway at a known residence of transient people on Riverside Ave. RPD responded to a dispute between two males, a 57 year old and 66 year old. One of the males involved in the dispute is living in his vehicle, a 1992 Chevy Blazer, in the driveway of the home and the other male resides in a shed on the property. The dispute was settled without complaints. Officers notified officials from the Bureau of Fire Safety, Health Dept and Building Dept to follow up on the potentially illegal living conditions. The shed is described as having a bed, nightstand, chairs, electricity and decorative lights.
Thursday, June 13th - Theft, Union Ave
A 62 year old male resident reported that after inviting an acquaintance to his home (whom he’d met while visiting his mother’s nursing home), the acquaintance stole $150 and quickly left his home. At approximately 5:02 am, the resident reported to RPD that the guest had left his home after the two had been hanging out during the night, between 1:30 am and 4:50 am. He described the acquaintance as a 42 year old black male, wearing a green shirt and jeans and most likely heading towards the train station. RPD located a man matching the description who was positively identified as the party in question. Shortly after RPD located the man, the resident changed his mind, and stated that his acquaintance, whose legal name he did not know, was wearing a gray shirt. His story changed several times during an interview with RPD and he stated he just wanted his money back. He was advised to not invite people who he doesn’t know into his home.
Wednesday, June 12th - Suspicious Incident, Riverside Ave
At approximately 7:50 pm, a 74 year old female called about an unknown yellow object floating in the Passaic River going southbound. RPD responded but any object was gone upon their arrival.
Wednesday, June 12th - CDS, Montross Ave
At approximately 2:33 pm, Officer Hein observed a 33 year old male from Rutherford improperly using his cell phone while driving his 2008 4-door Audi. The vehicle was also driving in excess of 25 MPH in a residential zone and the man was also driving with a suspended license. After finding the man had 2 outstanding warrants, 1 from Rutherford and 1 from Lyndhurst and was in possession of CDS (controlled dangerous substance), the man was placed under arrest. He made bail in full and released with a court date.
Tuesday, June 11th - Harassment, Hawthorne St.
A 25 year old female reported that she was being harassed by the 28 year old wife of her male co-worker from Hackensack. She stated that although she and the 31 year old male co-worker were only friends, his wife kept harassing her because the wife believed they were more than friends and would show up at their place of work and make unwanted phone calls. The wife was advised by RPD to cease and desist all communication with the Rutherford resident. The resident advised her co-worker that she doesn’t want to talk to him outside of work and blocked his number. The harassment from the wife ceased for a few weeks but then started again. RPD contacted the wife again to tell her to stop. If it happens again, the complainant will sign complaints against the wife. The wife was also advised to not go to their place of work or the resident’s home and if she does she will be charged with trespassing. The resident has been advised to contact the police department in the town where she works as well.
Tuesday, June 11th - Fraud, Montross Ave
A 45 year old resident reported fraudulent purchases made on her Discover Card. On 6/10 she received an email from Best Buy with fraudulent charges made using her Discover card for $199. Best Buy put a stop to the charges and Discover canceled her card. Best Buy advised that the order was placed by a woman in Pemberton, NJ.
Tuesday, June 11th - Illegal Dumping, Montross Ave
A 43 year old male called RPD to report an unknown party left several lengths of PVC pipe by the side of his home between the evening of 6/10 and 8:00 am on 6/11. The caller stated he’d wait a few days to see if anyone returns to retrieve the item.
Monday, June 10th - Noise Complaint, Lincoln Park
At approximately 12:32 pm, the Borough Clerk notified RPD that their office had received complaints about excessive noise in Lincoln Park. RDP responded to Lincoln Park and confirmed that a local musician had obtained with a permit to rehearse in the bandshell legally. He was asked to lower his volume and complied.
Monday, June 10th - General Complaint, Vreeland Ave
A 77 year old male residing on Vreeland Ave reported somebody cut his shrubs. RPD was dispatched and the complainant reported that an unknown party trimmed two of his shrubs that were encroaching on the sidewalk. The complainant did not know anyone who would do so.
Monday, June 10th - Harassment, Eastern Way
A 38 year old female resident and her 32 year old boyfriend entered RPD headquarters to report that two of the boyfriend’s previous girlfriends had been sending harassing text messages and making annoying phone calls to her multiple times a day since 5/28. The woman was advised to obtain a new phone number and avoid any further contact from the former girlfriends. Officer Steinel was able to make contact with both former girlfriends and advised them not to make contact with the Rutherford woman in the future.