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Police Blotter 12/30-1/12: Just A Guy Who Loves Trains; Kids Don't Know Shotgun Rules

Writer: This Is RutherfordThis Is Rutherford

Monthly RPD Reports can be found here. New: October Activity Report

This is Rutherford publishes incidents that the public may find interesting or informative. The Blotter represents a small fraction of the total calls the RDP responds to regularly. The following information was provided to TIR by the Rutherford Police. All suspects are presumed innocent unless proven guilty. Incidents involving juveniles will not be published.


Tuesday, January 7 - Noise Complaint, Wheaton Place

A 43 year old female reported that when she arrived at her residence an unknown male was inside of it. Officers spoke with both parties. The accused trespasser stated a co-owner of the residence gave him permission to enter it. The caller confirmed that her aunt is a co-owner of the home but is currently suffering from dementia.

Monday, January 6 - Suspicious Person, Glen Road

At approximately 1:54 am a caller reported a woman wearing a black jacket sitting on a chair outside her apartment building "smoking weed." Officers dispatched found the 24 year old resident of the same building smoking mairjuana but she was able to provide a medical marijuana card.

Sunday, January 5 - Burglary, Walnut Street

A 47 year old male reported that sometime between January 4 at 9:15 pm and January 5 at 9:52 am someone entered his 2017 Jeep and took an emergency diabetic kit containing a glucose meter and approximately $20 in spare change. The Jeep was parked unlocked in his driveway.

Saturday, January 4 - Suspicious Person, Orient Way

At approximately 10:03 pm a 73 year old resident contacted RPD to report someone drinking from a container of alcohol near hear building. RPD responded and found a 23 year old male who was a resident of the same building drinking Coca-Cola from a Coca-Cola bottle.

Thursday, January 2 - Suspicious Person, East Erie Ave

At approximately 7:15 pm a caller reported to 911 that an unknown male with dark clothing and a camera on a tripod was near the railroad tracks. RPD made contact and the party stated he runs his own YouTube channel about his locomotive hobby. The party was set up in a safe location and posed no hazard and was allowed to continue.

Tuesday, December 31 - Noise Complaint, Chestnut Street

At approximately 11:15 pm, a 66 year old male called RPD to state that his neighbor was making a lot of noise. Officers dispatched waited in the hallway but could not hear anything. They made contact with the neighbor who was watching TV with her 3 year old. The officers observed no noise violations.

Tuesday, December 31 - Verbal Dispute, Park Ave

A 59 year old female caller reported that a client came into her place of business and accused her of being a different employee at the same business. When she advised the client of her mistake, the client became verbally abusive and the employee asked her to leave. The caller stated that during the exchange, she called the client “a bitch.” The client separately arrived at RPD to report the same incident. Neither woman wished to pursue charges. Both parties agreed this was an unfortunate turn of events and the client was advised to call before she visits the business again.

Tuesday, December 31 - Burglary, Tryon Field

The Rutherford Recreation Director reported that two storage containers housing miscellaneous sports equipment under the Tryon Field bleachers within a fenced in area had been damaged. The first shed was missing its door handle and had no lock on it. The door handle appeared it had been forceably removed. The second shed had both door handles in tact however the lock was cut and the door left wide open. It is unknown if anything was taken. The fenced in enclosure was locked but has openings big enough for an able bodied person to climb over.

Monday, December 30 - Verbal Dispute, Vanderburgh Ave

At approximately 10:47 pm a caller reported several people were having a verbal dispute in front of her building. The passengers were arguing over who would sit in the front seat. RPD told them of the complaint and they left the area.

Monday, December 30 - Criminal Mischief, Sunderland Ave

A 54 year old female called to report her house had been egged for the 4th time since November. She left the house on December 18 at 4pm and when she returned on December 27 she observed new egg damage to the exterior. . She was unable to identify any suspects and has no known issues with anyone.


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