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Police Blotter 12/16-12/29: Stolen Amazon Boxes and Burglarized Cars

Writer: This Is RutherfordThis Is Rutherford

Monthly RPD Reports can be found here. New: October Activity Report

This is Rutherford publishes incidents that the public may find interesting or informative. The Blotter represents a small fraction of the total calls the RDP responds to regularly. The following information was provided to TIR by the Rutherford Police. All suspects are presumed innocent unless proven guilty. Incidents involving juveniles will not be published.


Sunday, December 29 - Noise Complaint, Union Ave

At approximately 10:48 pm a 73 year old male reported someone in his building was playing his TV too loud. RPD identified the 27 year old neighbor who said he’d turn it down.

Saturday, December 28 - Theft, Chestnut St

A 23 year old Chestnut St resident reported her Amazon delivery missing from her building’s atrium. She had received delivery confirmation from Amazon at approximately 3:00 pm but upon returning to her residence at 6:00 pm the package was gone. The main entrance to the building is unlocked at all times.

Friday, December 27 - Suspicious Person, Meadow Road

At approximately 3:33 pm a 57 year old male reported two Hispanic males knocked on his door claiming they could reduce his heating bill. RPD located the parties and confirmed that they did have a solicitors permit.

Wednesday, December 25 - Dispute, Woodland Ave

At approximately 12:29 am, a 33 year old male called 911 to report a male party in the basement who was screaming and might have weapons. East Rutherford and Lyndhurst Police arrived on the scene as back-up. RPD determined there were no weapons involved and that the dispute was between 5 adult children and their parents arguing over a dog defecating on the rug. One of the adult children was punching holes in the basement prior to RPD arrival because he was upset. No medical attention was needed.

Tuesday, December 24 - Suspicious Person, Train Station

At approximately 11:42 pm a caller reported a suspicious and possibly intoxicated person at the train station. RPD responded and found a 66 year old male who was not intoxicated but stated he had gotten off at the wrong bus stop and was confused and lost. RPD helped him find his way home.

Tuesday, December 24 - Burglary, Riverside Terrace

A 30 year old male resident reported that between the evening of December 23 and December 24 at 6:00 am his 2019 Chevy Silverado was burglarized. The car was left unlocked in his driveway and he noticed the center console open and missing was $700 in cash, his wallet that contained credit cards, financial records, his driver’s license and PBA cards. He reported his credit card was subsequently used at a Walmart in Kearny.

Sunday, December 22 - Suspicious Vehicle, Park Ave

At approximately 5:40 pm, a caller reported that while walking north on Park Ave, a gray 4 door Japanese made car made a left turn on Franklin Place traveling west. The caller thought the passenger was in possession of an assault style weapon. The windows were rolled down and the passengers were playing loud music. The four occupants all appeared to be in their late teens or early 20s. A search of the area provided negative results.

Saturday, December 21- DWI, Montross Ave

At approximately 10:42 pm a caller reported a pick-up truck had struck a tree and its operator seemed intoxicated. RPD responded and found a 54 year old male resident had been driving a black 2000 Ford pick-up truck who refused a field sobriety test. The man was arrested for DWI and charged with DWI, two counts of refusing breath samples, failure to keep right and driving on the sidewalk. The man refused to call anyone to pick him up under John’s Law as he preferred to “wait it out on the bench [at RPD] for 12 hours.”

Saturday, December 21- Suspicious Incident, Chestnut Street

At approximately 2:13 pm a 54 year old male reported that he believed his 2019 Subaru had been tampered with. Officer Callan responded and assisted the caller by teaching him how to disengage the steering wheel lock that was in place. The car had not been tampered with.

Saturday, December 21- Motor Vehicle Theft, Hastings Ave

At approximately 2:44 am a caller reported an unoccupied vehicle parked approximately 10 feet from the curb with the passenger side door ajar. The ignition had been punched out. The car was registered to a Rutherford resident who responded to the scene and stated he has last driven it at 4:00 pm the previous day but had not taken notice of his car for the rest of the evening.

Friday, December 20 - Burglary, Washington Ave

At approximately 11:56 am a 42 year old female notified RPD that her two vehicles that had been parked in front of her house had been rummaged through sometime between 4:00 pm on December 19 and the following morning. The cars had been left unlocked overnight.

Friday, December 20 - Theft, Jackson Ave

A 59 year old female reported a package stolen from her steps on December 19. After receiving a delivery notification from Amazon with confirmation photo, she immediately responded to the front door but saw no package. She checked with her family but no one had taken the package in.

Thursday, December 19 - Fraud, Riverside Ave

A 70 year old female resident reported being defrauded of $98,600. She believes that back in the spring, she had been contacted by a rep from a company called Tech PC Solutions. That party advised her that her computer had been hacked and his company would be able to rectify the problem and monitor it for $500 per year. The woman agreed and made payment. On December 5, a representative from Tech PC Solutions contacted the woman again and advised her the company was going out of business and they would be refunding her $500. In order to do so, the woman was instructed to give the company remote access to her computer. She complied and was then told to log into her TD Bank Money Market Account. She was told to type in “$500” into her account in order for Tech PC Solutions to refund her $500. Having control of her computer, however, the representative from Tech PC Solutions changed the amount of $500 to $50,000 and was in actuality transferring the money out of her account into theirs. The caller then convinced the woman that she had been accidentally refunded $50,000 instead of $500 and that she actually owed $49,300 back to Tech PC Solutions. She was directed to use a wire transfer to send the money to Sakuna Sawangasri at Bangkok Bank Tesco Lotus Pakchong in Thailand and she complied. On December 18 she was again contacted by a party named Roger who claimed to work for Tech PC Solutions and advised her that the wire transfer had not been accepted by the bank and she needed to do it again. During this time, the caller had moved money between the woman’s two bank accounts without her knowledge as they still had remote access. This time she was advised to transfer the money to Anya Paromya at the same bank in Thailand. The woman then responded to TD Bank and proceeded to transfer an additional $49,300. On the morning of December 19, a rep from TD Bank fraud department advised her that they believed she had been scammed. Upon reviewing her account, it was discovered that she had only $800 in accounts that should have contained closer to $100,000. TD Bank explained that they would look into the matter further, but the woman was advised to not give out personal information over the phone and to change all her passwords.

Monday, December 16 - Narcan Administered, Chestnut St

At approximately 7:57 pm Officer John Ahearn administered Narcan to a 37 year old male.

Monday, December 16 - Theft, Park Ave

At approximately 7:03 pm a 42 year old male reported that he had received an Amazon delivery confirmation containing a photo of the package left on his exterior stoop at 2:25 pm. When he returned at 6:30 pm the package had been opened and contents had been removed.

Monday, December 16 - Theft, Highfield Lane

A person walked into RPD headquarters with a package they found on Beckwith place that had been opened and had a packing slip and items still inside. RPD returned the packaged to the Highfield Lane resident who was happy to get the presents she had bought for her children.

Monday, December 16 - Theft, Veterans Blvd

A Veterans Blvd company reported that diesel fuel had been syphoned from two of their vehicles sometime between December 13 at 4:30 pm and December 16 at 4:00 am. The amount of diesel fuel stolen is approximately $420.

Monday, December 16 - Disorderly Conduct, Train Station

At approximately 7:19 am a caller reported a man yelling at the train station. RPD identified the man as a 42 year old homeless person and advised him that he cannot act out or create fear in individuals. He voluntarily left the area.


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