Monthly RPD Reports can be found here. New: October Activity Report
This is Rutherford publishes incidents that the public may find interesting or informative. The Blotter represents a small fraction of the total calls the RDP responds to regularly. The following information was provided to TIR by the Rutherford Police. All suspects are presumed innocent unless proven guilty. Incidents involving juveniles will not be published.
Car Burglaries, January 24 - February 2
There were 4 car burglaries in the areas of Montross Ave and Elm Street. All the cars were left unlocked. One owner reported a large sum of money was left in the car but not taken. Another reported he left his key fob in the car neither the fob nor the car was taken.
Sunday, February 2 - DWI, Union Ave
At approximately 1:14 am a caller reported a car struck a utility pole at Union and Prospect Ave. RPD located a 26-year-old male from Ridgefield Park and performed field sobriety tests which the male failed. His BAC was .011%. He was issued summonses for DWI, failure to maintain lane, careless driving, open container, and littering.
Sunday, February 2 - Aid and Assist, Orient Way
At approximately 9:07 pm an Orient Way resident called 911 to report he was having difficulty turning the oven off in his apartment. Upon RPD’s arrival, the caller had already turned off electricity to the oven. RPD reported the man safe for the time being but advised him to contact an appliance repair service in the morning.
Saturday, February 1 - Dispute, Chestnut St
At approximately 10:12 pm a caller to 911 reported a party would not leave their residence and the dispute was becoming physical. RPD was familiar with both parties involved as they have responded to in excess of 50 calls regarding various disputes between them. Both parties were drinking alcohol but were not incapacitated. Neither party would leave and chose to remain at the scene. At the time of RPD’s departure, the dispute had ended and the parties agreed to sleep in separate rooms.
Saturday, February 1 - Unwanted Party, Hackett Place
At approximately 4:09 pm a caller reported the former occupant of a residence, who was in the process of moving, was acting disorderly. Officers spoke to the woman who had been evicted and was returning to collect furniture. Due to the fact that she was acting disorderly, the owner of the property said she is no longer welcome there but that her children may return on a preset date without their mother.
Saturday, February 1 - Fraud, Monona Ave
A Rutherford resident trying to sell a modified racing truck on reported a potential scam. On January 21 he was contacted by a person using the email who was interested in purchasing his truck. He did not live in the area but still wanted to buy it before seeing it. He offered the resident $25,000 and stated he wanted to buy it ASAP and would send a check via USPS 2 day shipping. The agreement was made but the resident advised him the truck could not be picked up until the check was received, deposited and remained in his account. On January 25 he received the check from ICF Consulting Group in Washington, DC. Believing it to be suspicious, the resident had his wife deposit the check on January 27. The check cleared but the resident was contacted later that day by the buyer who stated he had a sudden emergency and needed $12,500 returned to him and that the resident should keep the other $12,500 as a deposit. The resident was provided a banking and routing number with which to return the money. The resident believed this to be suspicious and upon checking his banking account saw that the initial $25,000 was missing. The resident did not send the requested $12,500 as he realized this was a scam but wanted to document the incident.
Friday, January 31 - Dispute, Meadow Rd
At approximately 9:19 am a caller to 911 reported a dispute at Flash Cleaners. Officers were dispatched and learned there was a dispute over a charge for something that a customer had not asked for. The customer stated the owner pulled the clothes out of her hand which caused her pain. The dispute was settled at the time and no medical attention needed.
Friday, January 31 - Noise Complaint, Rutherford Ave
At approximately 4:56 am a caller reported the garbage being picked up by a commercial truck from Rutherford Animal Hospital was in violation of the Borough ordinance regarding noise before 7:00 am. RPD advised the garbage truck driver of the ordinance who stated he was unaware of it and would notify his company.
Friday, January 31 - Suspicious Vehicle, West Erie Ave
At approximately 2:27 am a caller reported a suspicious dark-colored vehicle driving around the neighborhood and then parked in front of their house. RPD was dispatched but the car was gone upon arrival.
Thursday, January 30 - DWI, West Erie Ave
At approximately 3:45 am while on patrol, Officer Lindov located a motor vehicle parked improperly on West Erie Ave. Field sobriety tests were performed on the driver who was subsequently arrested for DWI. The driver was a youth who was issued summonses and released to a parent.