Rutherford cannot live on Facebook alone.
Traditional news outlets are failing, leaving opinion and misinformation to fill the void.
Local News by
Local People.
Let's do this, together.
Email thisisrutherford@gmail.com to find out how you can help,
or use this form to submit information.
This Is Rutherford is a volunteer team of Rutherford residents who believe that access to well reported local news is a necessary part of a healthy community. Our goal is to create a place where, together, we can learn about news and events that impact our small corner of the world.
Sadly, we have seen a decline in the quality and quantity of local news coverage in our area, so we decided to try and do something about it.
To make this experiment successful, we will need the help of other Rutherford residents. We'll need volunteers to send in the type of news that not long ago was a staple of the community. This is an experiment, that if successful, can help bring our community together - where we will see we have more in common than we think. This is our contribution to our town, this is our small corner of the world, This Is Rutherford.